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किसी भी परीक्षा मे सफलता कैसे पायें ? 1.आदर्शविद्यार्थी 2 , अनुशासन में रहना सीखे 3. पॉजिटिव सोचते रहना 4. रोजाना अध्ययन करना 5. नवी चीजे सीखते रहना 6. खुद को प्रेरित करना 7. समय का सदुपयोग करना 8. अच्छी संगती में रहना 9. किसी आदर्श या मोटिवेटर का होना 10. खुद को बेहतर बनाना 1.अच्छी पढाई कैसे करे बेस्ट टिप्स 12.तीन बुरी लत जो आपकी लाइफ बर्बाद कर सकती है ! 1. नशे ( शराब ) की लत " Drunk alcohol ) addiction " - 2.जएँ की लत " Gamblingaddiction- " : 3. सेक्स की लत “ Sex Addiction " - 13. आत्मविश्वास बढ़ाने के 10 आसान उपाय • सफल लोगो की तरह खुद को ढालें : * बीते समय में मिले अपने achievements को याद करे : * यह महसूस करे की आप confident : * गलतियाँ होने पर घबराये मत : * खद को किसी चीज में और लोगो से बेहतर बनाये : • जरूरतमंदो की सहायता करे : • अपनी dressing में सुधार करे : • जिस चीज से आपका confidence घटता है उसे करते रहे : • दूसरो से अपनी तुलना न करे : अपना कार्य समय पर पूरा करे : आप अपने दिनभर के कार्यों का टाइम टेबल बना ले.आपने एक दिन में क्या - क्या करना है वह पहले ही सोच ले और उसके बाद सुबह से ही अपने कार्यों को पूरा करने के लिए जट जाए . अगर आप अपने works को निश्चित समय के अन्दर पूरा करते है तो यह आपके आत्मविश्वास को बहुत ही बढ़ा देगा . जिन्दगी से सीखे गये प्रेरणादायक विचार
In English
Success (How to get success in any exam?) - To get success in today's cut throat competition, it is more important than studies "studying with strategy" to stand out from the crowd, work style, influential personality, knowledge science, language Developing etc. A person is the same by birth.
One becomes great on the basis of his deeds, touches heights, achieves achievements. Success (How to get success in any examination?) Every student studies in the same class from the same teacher. After all, why does some become sharp, some weak, some become very naive? Why does one become successful so quickly? After all, how does he study? What do you read? Every successful man has some special style of work which hides from others and follows himself and gets successful in every examination as soon as possible.
So this book is going to open these hidden secrets. This book has been made after a thorough study of the experience of 10000 successful people so that every student can achieve success by improving their working style as soon as possible. Students study by spending lakhs of rupees, but success does not come quickly, but if you read this book then you will definitely get success.
How to get success in any exam? 1. Ideal student 2, learn to be disciplined 3. Keep thinking positive 4. Study daily 5. Keep learning new things 6. Motivate oneself 7. Make good use of time 8. Stay in good company 9. Be a role model or motivator Being 10. Improving Yourself 1. Best Tips How To Study Well 12. Three Bad Addictions That Can Ruin Your Life! 1. Drug Addiction "Drunk alcohol addiction" - 2.Gamblingaddiction- " : 3. Sex Addiction " Sex Addiction " - 13. 10 Easy Ways to Increase Confidence • Treat Yourself Like Successful People Mold: * Remember your achievements in the past: * Feel that you are confident: * Don't panic if you make mistakes: * Make yourself better than others in anything: • Help the needy: • In your dressing Improve: • Keep doing the things that decrease your confidence: • Do not compare yourself with others: Complete your work on time: Make a time table of your day's tasks. What you have to do in a day He should think in advance and after that start to complete his tasks from morning itself. If you complete your works within the given time then it will increase your confidence a lot. Inspirational thoughts learned from life
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